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Andrew D. Gottlieb, Ph.D.
Lead Scientist

Andrew D. Gottlieb, Ph.D., Lead Scientist


BS Biology & Environmental

MS Environmental Studies
(agricultural ecology)

Ph.D. Biology and Aquatic

Current Professional

Society of Wetland Scientists

Society for Ecological

Professional Affiliations

Florida Coastal Everglades

Andrew Gottlieb, Ph.D. more than 15 years of environmental consulting experience including habitat assessments, environmental restoration planning and project implementation, water quality investigations, vegetation mapping, and environmental policy. Andrew serves as Project Manager/Senior and Lead Scientist on environmental projects for both the public and private sectors. Published research in peer reviewed journals as well as presented research at both national and international conferences. Member of the Society for Ecological Restoration and the Society of Wetland Scientists.

Selected Project Experience

Regional Alternative Evaluation and Environmental Benefits Analysis, Lead Scientist
CERP C-111 Spreader Canal - This project involves improving flows to the south eastern boundary of Everglades National Park, as well as improving the timing, distribution and quantity of flows entering the downstream estuary. Evaluated project alternatives to determine projected benefits to natural resources including vegetation and wildlife. Evaluated T&E issues associated with the Cape Sable Seaside Sparrow Populations.

Vegetation Monitoring & Mapping, Project Manager and Principal Investigator,
Monitoring and Assessment Program (MAP)
Coordinated and managed landscape level monitoring program for the Greater Everglades vegetation. Investigated use of remote sensing methods for vegetation mapping (using Worldview two and Landsat).

Environmental Benefits Analysis, Lead Scientist
CERP Broward County Water Preserve Area – Evaluation of water quality and hydrology data to assess environmental benefits associated with improved hydrology and water quality. Develop monitoring program to provide operational feedback to the project. Evaluate system level consistency of the project.

Project Alternative Formulation, Senior Scientist II
CERP DECOMP – Developed project alternatives for canal backfilling as well as flow features to enhance marsh functionality through improved connectivity. Developed performance metrics for flow timing and distribution. Evaluated potential Threatened and Endangered Species issues associated with operations and hydrologic targets (Cape Sable Seaside Sparrow and Snail Kite). Support for NEPA documentation (EIS development).

Environmental Monitoring Design, Lead Scientist
CERP, Biscayne Bay Coastal Wetlands Project, Agency coordination. Developed project level environmental monitoring plan. Coordinated required permit monitoring with MDDERM and FLDEP.

Marine Benthic Survey and Mapping, Lead Scientist
San Carlos Bay and Ten Thousand Islands/CERP, Characterization and delineation of benthic habitat. Conducted quantitative Seagrass and oyster surveys.

Statistical Support, Staff Scientist, SFWMD and USACE
Community ecology and multivariate statistics in support of system operations and water quality assessments.

Plant Taxonomy and Field Ecology, Team Lead,
SFWMD Kissimmee River Restoration Program
Ground truth vegetation cover and taxonomy in support of hyperspectral radiometric analysis. Managed project, catalog field specimens, develop reporting requirements.

Water and Air Quality, Laboratory Director, WSU
Environmental Studies and Regional Planning Department
Analysis of atmospheric samples using gas chromatography. Field sampling of invertebrate, plant and algal communities.